Spring Boot Interview Materials


Spring Bean Scope

There are 5 types of spring bean scopes:

  1. Singleton - only one instance of the spring bean will be created for the spring container. This is the default spring bean scope. While using this scope, make sure bean doesn’t have shared instance variables otherwise it might lead to data inconsistency issues.
  2.  Prototype – A new instance will be created every time the bean is requested from the spring container.
  3. Request – This is same as prototype scope, however it’s meant to be used for web applications. A new instance of the bean will be created for each HTTP request.
  4. Session – A new bean will be created for each HTTP session by the container.
  5. Global-session – This is used to create global session beans for Portlet applications

Why to use the MVC Pattern?

1) Separation of Concerns -Separation of Concern is one of the core advantages of an MVC Pattern. The MVC pattern provides a clean separation between the UI, Business Logic, Model or Data. On the other hand, we can also say it provides a separation of Programming logics for various components.

2) Easy to modify – Because of the separation of responsibilities, future development or modification becomes easier and in turn it increases the scalability of the software.

3) Simultaneous development — multiple developers can work simultaneously on the model, controller and views separately as per their area of expertise.

4) Low coupling — The MVC pattern offers low coupling between its components.

5) High cohesion — It provides high cohesion such as it enables logical grouping of related actions on a controller together. The views for a specific model are also grouped together.

Spring Boot Annotations and their use cases

Spring Boot Annotations are the metadata that provides the additional formation about a Spring Boot program. Several spring boot annotations provide different automatic configurations.

Below are all the essential spring boot annotations you should know about.

1] @Bean

The “@Bean” is a method-level annotation that is analogous to XML <bean> tag. When you declare this annotation, Java creates a bean with the method name and registers it with the BeanFactory. The following shows how the usage of @Bean in a method statement:

public ExampleBean exampleBean() {
  return new ExampleBean();

2] @Springbootapplication

The “@SpringBootApplication” annotation triggers auto-configuration and component scanning. It combines three annotations: @Configuration, @ComponentScan, and @EnabeAutoConfiguration. 
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class MyClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(MyClass.class, args);

3] @Configuration

The “@Configuration” is a class-based annotation that indicates the definition of one or more Bean methods in the class. Once the Sprint container encounters this annotation, it can process these spring beans to generate bean definitions and service requests at runtime.

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
public class ConfigClass {
    public MyBean mybean() {   
        return new MyBean();

4] @ComponentScan

You can use the “@ComponentScan” annotation with the “@Configuration” annotation to define the components you need the program to scan. There are a few arguments in this annotation. The framework scans the current package with sub-packages if you do not specify any argument. You can use the ‘basePackages’ argument to define the specific packages to scan.

package TestPackage;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
@ComponentScan(basePackages = "TestPackage")
public class TestClass {

5] @EnableAutoconfiguration

This annotation allows you to auto-configure the program based on your requirements. The framework decides this auto-configuration based on the jars included in the program and the classpath. For example, suppose you added the “tomcat-embedded.jar” file, then it automatically configures the TomcatServletWebServerFactory if there is no explicit declaration for its related factory bean. Using the “exclude” and “excludeClassName” arguments.
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration;
public class TestClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(TestClass.class, args);

6] @RequestMapping 

The “@RequestMapping” Annotation is used to map HTTP requests to REST and MVC controller methods in Spring Boot applications. You can apply this to either class-level or method-level in a controller. Furthermore, you can declare multiple request mappings using a list of values in the annotation.
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
public class ControllerClass {
    public String getCart() {
        return "this is the cart!";
    public String getCatalogue() {
        return "this is the catalogue";

7] @GetMapping 

The “@GetMapping” is a shortcut for the  “@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)” annotation, which handles the HTTP GET requests corresponding to the specified URL. The following class uses the “@RestController” annotation to indicate it can handle web requests. The “@GetMapping” maps /hello to the hello() method.
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class TestController {
  public String hello() {
    return "Hello Spring Boot!";

8] @RequestParam

The “@RequestParam” annotation enables extracting input query parameters, form data, etc. For example, suppose you have an endpoint /API/book which takes a query string parameter called id. Then you can specify that parameter in the following manner using the @RequestParam annotation. 

public String getBook(@RequestParam String id) {
    return "Book ID: " + id;

9] @Service 

The @Service is a class-level annotation used to indicate that the class is a service class that defines the business logic. For instance, the below @Service annotation indicates that BankService is a service class that offers bank services. 
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
public class BankService {
    private final BankInfo bankInfo;
    public BankService(BankInfo bankInfo) {
        this.bankInfo = bankInfo;

10] @Component

This component allows the framework to automatically detect the component classes without any need to write any explicit code. Spring framework scans classes with @component, initialize them, and injects the required dependencies.
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class TestComponentAnnotation {
  public int multiply(int x, int y) {
    return x * y;

11] @Repository

The “@Repository” is a specialized version of the “ @Component” annotation. It indicates that the class is a repository that contains data storage and other operations such as updating, deleting, searching, and retrieving data on objects. 

import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import com.howtodoinjava.demo.model.BookEntity;
public interface BookRepository extends JpaRepository<BookEntity, Long>

12] @Controller

This class-based annotation is also a specialization of the “@Component” annotation, marking the class as a controller. It usually combines with handler methods annotated with the @RequestMapping annotation and is used with Spring MVC applications. Spring scans these classes with this annotation and catches @RequestMapping annotations. Below is an example of its usage.
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
public class TestController {
    public String hello()
        return "Hello Spring!";

13] @Autowired

The “@Autowired” annotation can auto wire bean on a constructor,  setter method, property, or methods with multiple parameters. When you use @Autowired annotation on setter methods, you can eliminate the <property> tag in the XML configuration file. 
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
public class Product {
   private Product product;
   public void setProduct( Product product ){
      this.product = product;
   public Product getProduct( ) {
      return product;

14] @SpringBootTest

As the name suggests, @SpringBootTest annotation can be used on a test class that executes Spring Boot-based tests. You can use it easily for integration testing as it loads the full application context. 
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
public class DemoTest 
  private DemoController demoController;
  public void contextLoads() throws Exception {

15] @MockBean

Using this annotation, you can specify mocks in ApplicationContext and mocks the services or REST API endpoints from your programs. Spring loads the mock version of the application context when you run the application. You can specify this annotation at the class and field levels, and it is possible to specify them in configuration classes. Below is an example of using the “@MockBean” annotation.
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.MockBean;
public class ProductServiceTest {
  private ProductService productService;
  private Product product;
  public void test(){

@Bean method annotated with @Bean creates and returns Bean. Spring Container calls such methods, automatically.

@Configuration Class annotated with @Configuration has methods annotated with @Bean or has data members annotated with @Value

@Scope Indicates Scope of a Bean such as Singleton, Prototype, Session, Request , Global-Session

@Lazy Indicates that Bean needs to be created on Demand only, i..e when there is explicit request

@Autowired Indicates Bean needs to be automatically created by Spring Container.

@Qualifier Used along with @Bean or @Autowired to avoid ambiguity during Bean creation by Spring Container

@Primary When there are multiple qualified Beans, priority is given to the Bean annotated with @Primary

@Component Indicates a class as Component, so that it can be recognized by @ComponentScan, automatically. As known, all Component classes are automatically scanned and loaded by Spring Container.

@ComponentScan Scans one or more packages/subpackages for Components.

@Service Components in Service Layer need to be annotated with @Service

@Repository Components in Repository Layer need to be annotated with @Repository

@SpringBootApplication This annotation is used with main class of Spring Boot Application its triggers auto-configuration and component scanning

The @SpringBootApplication is a combination of three annotations @Configuration (used for Java-based configuration), @ComponentScan (used for component scanning), and @EnableAutoConfiguration (used to enable auto-configuration in Spring Boot).

@Value Data members of a Configuration class are automatically loaded from Configuration file(such as application.properties)

@ConfigurationProperties Class annotated with @ConfigurationProperties automatically loads data members(with matching name)from Configuration file(such as application.properties)

REST API related Annotations:

@RestController — Class annotated with @RestController has REST end points.

@RequestBody used with method parameter of REST end point. This annotation automatically deserializes the body(of Http request) into a Model or Entity object.

@PathVariable used with method parameter of REST end point. It automatically retrieves a Path variable into the method parameter of REST end point.

@RequestParam used with method parameter of REST end point. It automatically retrieves a Query parameter into the method parameter of REST end point.

@RequestHeader used with method parameter of REST end point. It automatically retrieved value from a specified HTTP header and populates the value into the method parameter.

REST End points are annotated with any of below annotation, to indicate specific HTTP method

@RequestMapping:- map HTTP requests to REST and MVC controller methods




@DeleteMapping , etc

@ControllerAdvice, @ExceptionHandler to Handle REST API Exceptions

@Valid used with @RequestBody , to automatically validate the data members during deserialization. This annotation works along with Validation rules such as @NotNull, @Max, etc

Spring Boot Data JPA related annotations:

@Entity class which need to be mapped with underlying DB Table

@Table Used along with @Entity annotated, to specify custom name for DB Table(by default DB Table has same name as Entity Class name)

@Column Used with Data members of Entity class, to indicate a Column of DB Table.

Data field Validation related @NotNull, @Max, @Min, @Positive, @Negative, etc

@Query to specify Custom Query String(native or JPQL query), along with method declaration in Repository interface.

Entity class relationships @OnetoOne, @OnetoMany, @ManytoOne, @ManytoMany

 Security related Annotations:

@CrossOrigin Can be used with Class or method(s), indicating by which Origins(domain name or domain name patterns) the REST end points can be invoked.

Below annotations used for method level Security

@Secured, @PreAuthorize, @PermitAll

AOP related Annotations: Aspect Oriented Programming is used to separate Cross Cutting concerns(such as Logging, Security, etc), from Business Logic. AOP is used only in selected Spring Boot Projects.

@Aspect to specify that a class is Aspect, which holds Cross cutting concerns

@Pointcut to specify Pointcut expressions

@Before to specify a method is Before Advice

@After to specify a method is After Advice

@Around to specify a method is around Advice

Caching related Annotations:

@EnableCaching Used along with @SpringBootApplication, which enables the application to perform Cache related operations

@Cacheable Adds an entry to the Cache

@CachePut Updates an existing entry in the Cache

@CacheEvict Removes one or more entries from the Cache

Transaction related Annotations:

@Transactional Used by class/interface or method, indicates the method(s) is executed under a Transaction

Spring Boot dependencies.

a) spring-boot-starter-web — includes Spring Core, MVC, REST API related dependencies, including Apache Tomcat Web Server

b) spring-boot-starter-data-jpa — includes Hibernate ORM and related Spring Boot functionality to interact with RDBMS databases

c) spring-boot-starter-validation — provides validation related functionality

d) spring-boot-starter-test — provides Test related functionality

e) spring-boot-starter-aop — provides Aspect Oriented programming

f) spring-boot-starter-security — provides Authentication, Authorization, Security Filters

g) spring-boot-starter-actuator — provides actuator which is useful in remote health monitoring of running Spring Boot application

      h)  spring-boot-devtools — provides remote debugging, automatic live reload of project,               whenever source code changes are saved(this saves development time, by avoiding                 manual restart of running project)

Stereotype Annotations

·       These annotations are used to create Spring beans automatically in the application context (Spring IoC Container)

·       The main stereotype annotation is @Component

·       By using this annotation Spring provide more stereotype meta annotation such as @Service, @Repository & @Controller

·       @Service annotation is used to create bean at Service layer

·       @Repository annotation is used to create a bean at the DAO layer

·       @Controller is used to create bean at the controller layer

What is the role of actuator in spring boot?
A spring boot actuator is a project that provides restful web services to access the current state of an application that is running in production. In addition, you can monitor and manage application usage in a production environment without having to code or configure any of the applications.

Explain how you can override the default properties of Spring boot projects.

By specifying properties in the application.properties file, it is possible to override the default properties of a spring boot project.  
In Spring MVC applications, you need to specify a suffix and prefix. You can do this by adding the properties listed below in the application.properties file. 

·        For suffix – spring.mvc.view.suffix: .jsp 

·        For prefix – spring.mvc.view.prefix: /WEB-INF

What issues are generally solved by spring clouds?

The following problems can be solved with spring cloud:   

  •        Complicated issues caused by distributed systems: This includes network issues, latency problems, bandwidth problems, and security issues. 
  •         Service Discovery issues: Service discovery allows processes and services to communicate and locate each other within a cluster. 
  •         Redundancy issues: Distributed systems can often have redundancy issues. 
  •         Load balancing issues: Optimize the distribution of workloads among multiple computing resources, including computer clusters, central processing units, and network links. 
  •         Reduces performance issues: Reduces performance issues caused by various operational overheads.

What do you mean by Cohesion and Coupling?

Cohesion: It is defined as a relationship between two or more parts/elements of a module that serves the same purpose. Generally, a module with high cohesion can perform a specific function efficiently without needing communication with any other modules. High cohesion enhances the functionality of the module.

Coupling: It is defined as a relationship between software modules A and B, and how much one module depends or interacts with another one. Couplings fall into three major categories. Modules can be highly coupled (highly dependent), loosely coupled, and uncoupled from each other. The best kind of coupling is loose coupling, which is achieved through interfaces. 

Explain the term Eureka in Microservices.

Eureka Server, also referred to as Netflix Service Discovery Server, is an application that keeps track of all client-service applications. As every Microservice registers to Eureka Server, Eureka Server knows all the client applications running on the different ports and IP addresses. It generally uses Spring Cloud and is not heavy on the application development process. 

What is the main role of docker in microservices?

Docker generally provides a container environment, in which any application can be hosted. This is accomplished by tightly packaging both the application and the dependencies required to support it. These packaged products are referred to as Containers, and since Docker is used to doing that, they are called Docker containers. Docker, in essence, allows you to containerize your microservices and manage these microservices more easily.

Difference between @Bean and @Component




Auto detection

It is used to explicitly declare a single bean, rather than letting Spring do it automatically. 

If any class is annotated with @Component it will be automatically detect by using classpath scan.

Spring Container

Bean can be created even class is outside the spring container

We can’t create bean if class is outside spring container

Class/Method  Level Annotation

It is a method level annotation

It is a class level annotation


It works only when class is also annotated with @Configuration

It works without
@Configuration annotation

Use Case

We should use @bean, if you want specific implementation based on dynamic condition.

We can’t write specific implementation based on dynamic condition

Spring boot JWT questions

1] What is JWT? How to implement?

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that specifies a compact and self-contained way of transmitting information securely as a JSON object between parties. This information can be verified and trusted as it has been digitally signed. It can also hold all the user's claim, like authorization information, so that the service provider does not need to access the database to validate user roles and permissions for each request; data is extracted from the token.

2] What is Workflow of JWT?

  •    Customers sign in by submitting their credentials to the provider.
  •    Upon successful authentication, it generates JWT containing user details and privileges for accessing the services and sets the JWT expiry date in payload.
  • The server signs and encrypts the JWT if necessary and sends it to the client as a response with credentials to the initial request.
  •  Based on the expiration set by the server, the customer/client stores the JWT for a restricted or infinite amount of time.
  • The client sends this JWT token in the header for all subsequent requests.
  •  The client authenticates the user with this token. So we don't need the client to send the user name and password to the server during each authentication process, but only once the server sends the client a JWT.

3] What is the structure of JWT?

JWT consists of 3 parts – Header => Payload => Signature

It generate JWT token as in the form of a.b.c which represent header.payload.signature

·        Header: contains details about the type of the token and the algorithm used to sign the content.

·        Payload: holds the actual data that we want to send. It is not recommended to put sensitive data (emails, passwords) in the payload.

·        Signature: ensures that the token is trustworthy and not changed along the way to the destination.

4] What is expiration date of JWT?

The JWT access token is only valid for a limited period of time. Using an expired JWT would cause the operation to fail. This value is normally 1200 seconds or 20 minutes.

5] How do we specify expiration date of JWT?

private String doGenerateToken(Map<String, Object> claims, String subject) {

              return Jwts.builder().setClaims(claims).setSubject(subject).setIssuedAt(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))

                            .setExpiration(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + jwtExpirationInMs)).signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS512, secret).compact();


 6] What are the advantages of JWT?

  1. Good Performance: JWT itself contains all information, so we don't have to go to Authorization server to get the user's information to verify whether user is valid or not.
  2. Portable: Allow to use multiple backends with single access token.
  3. It is Very Mobile Friendly, because cookies are not required.
  4. JWT contains expiration date as a claim that can be used to determine when the access token is going to expire.
  5. It's very secure way to validate the user information, as it's digitally signed.
  6. It's digitally signed, so if anyone updates it the server will know about it.
  7. It is most suitable for Microservices Architecture.
  8. It has other advantages like specifying the expiration time.

7] What is OAuth and JWT?

 JWT is essentially a token format. JWT is a token that can be used as part of the OAuth authorization protocol. Server-side and client-side storage are used in OAuth. If you want to make a proper logout, you'll need to use OAuth2. Authentication with a JWT token does not allow you to logout.

8] Is JWT required while communicating over HTTPS?

 The JWT is signed with public/private key pairs to ensure that the sender is authenticated and that the payload has not been tampered with. The JSON Web Token, on the other hand, is in plain text.

To encrypt communication, we will require SSL/HTTPS. Attackers can intercept network traffic without SSL/HTTPS and extract the JWT, making your application vulnerable to man in the middle attacks.

9] Why JWT is a stateless authentication?

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are called stateless because the authorizing server doesn't need to keep track of anything, the token is all that's required to verify a token bearer's authorization. In stateless authentication, no need to store user information in the session.

10] What is AbstractSecurityInterceptor in Spring Security?

The AbstractSecurityInterceptor in Spring Security handles the initial authorization of an incoming request.

There are two concrete implementations of the AbstractSecurityInterceptor:


The Spring Security filter chain's default filter. All authenticated user requests will be authorised by the FilterSecurityInterceptor.


This is required for method level security to be implemented. It enables us to apply security to our programme at the method level.

11] What is Spring Boot Method-Level Security?

The @PreAuthorize annotation is used on controller methods to implement method-level security. This annotation comprises a snippet of Spring Expression Language (SpEL) that is evaluated to determine whether the request should be authenticated.

12] What is difference of using @PreAuthorize and @Secured in Spring Security?

@PreAuthorize annotation is used to check for authorization before executing the method.

We could alternatively use the @Secured annotation in spring to handle method-level security, however it has several limitations, such as

1-> We cannot have several conditions with the @Secured annotation, i.e. the roles cannot be coupled with an AND/OR condition.

2-> Spring expression language is not supported by the @Secured annotation.

13] What is the difference between hasRole() and hasAuthority()?

 Spring roles are authorities with the ROLE_prefix. Another thing to understand of it is that roles are meant for broad sets of permissions, whereas authorities are meant for finer-grained management. However, that is only one possible usage. The developer is in charge of the actual implementation. In this tutorial, authorities are used to map to authorization groups.




public String protectedUserPage() {

    return "TechGeekNext User";


public String protectedUserPage() {
    return "TechGeekNext User";

The crucial thing to remember is that in order to use hasRole(), the authority name in the claim must begin with ROLE_. You might, for example, use hasRole('ADMIN') if you created a ROLE ADMIN group and added your user to it.

14] What is difference between Spring Security's @PreAuthorize and HttpSecurity?

  •        The first distinction is small, but it is important to note. Before controller mapping occurs, the HttpSecurity function rejects the request in a web request filter. The @PreAuthorize assessment, on the other hand, occurs later, directly before the controller method is executed. This means that HttpSecurity configuration is done before @PreAuthorize.
  •          Second, HttpSecurity is associated with URL endpoints, whereas @PreAuthorize is associated with controller methods and is located within the code next to the controller definitions.
  •          The use of SpEL (Spring Expression Language ) is another advantage that @PreAuthorize has over HttpSecurity.

Spring Batch Interview Questions

1. What is Spring Batch?

Answer: Spring Batch is a lightweight, comprehensive batch framework designed to enable the development of robust batch applications vital for enterprise systems. It simplifies batch processing by providing reusable functions.

2. What are the main components of Spring Batch?

Answer: The main components are:

  • Job: Represents the batch process.
  • Step: A phase in a batch job.
  • JobInstance: The job's definition.
  • JobExecution: The runtime instance of a job.
  • StepExecution: The runtime instance of a step.

3. What is a JobLauncher in Spring Batch?

Answer: JobLauncher is used to start a job. It comes with a run method that takes Job and JobParameters as arguments.

4. Explain the difference between Tasklet and Chunk-oriented processing.

  • Tasklet: A single unit of work to be executed in one go.
  • Chunk-oriented processing: Processes a set of items (chunks) together. It reads, processes, and writes in chunks.

5. How do you configure a Spring Batch job?

Answer: A Spring Batch job is configured using XML configuration or Java-based configuration. The configuration includes defining the job, its steps, and tasklets or chunk processing.

6. What is the role of JobRepository in Spring Batch?

Answer: JobRepository is responsible for persisting batch meta-data. It stores information about job executions, steps, and their statuses, providing a way to manage and restart jobs.

7. How can you handle transaction management in Spring Batch?

Answer: Spring Batch uses Spring's transaction management. Each step can be configured with its transaction attributes, and chunk processing ensures that each chunk is processed within a transaction boundary.

8. What are Listeners in Spring Batch, and why are they used?

Answer: Listeners are used to intercept job and step processing. They allow you to execute logic before and after a job/step starts or ends. Common listeners include JobExecutionListenerStepExecutionListener, and ChunkListener.

9. How does Spring Batch handle job restartability?

Answer: Spring Batch maintains the state of job executions using JobRepository. If a job fails, it can be restarted from the last committed point. The framework supports job restart by identifying incomplete jobs and resuming from where it left off.

10. What is SkipPolicy, and how is it used?

Answer: SkipPolicy is used to define conditions under which processing errors can be skipped and the job can continue. It can be configured to skip certain exceptions a specific number of times.

11. Describe a scenario where you would use Spring Batch.

Answer: Spring Batch is ideal for scenarios such as:

  • Migrating large datasets between databases.
  • Batch processing for end-of-day financial transactions.
  • Generating reports from large datasets.
  • ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) operations.

12. How would you configure a Spring Batch job to read from a database and write to a CSV file?


  • Reader: Configure a JdbcCursorItemReader to read data from the database.
  • Processor: Optionally, process the data using an ItemProcessor.
  • Writer: Use a FlatFileItemWriter to write data to a CSV file.
  • Define the job and steps using either XML or Java configuration.

13. What approach would you take to ensure data integrity during batch processing?

Answer: Ensure data integrity by:

  • Implementing proper transaction management.
  • Using chunk-oriented processing to handle large volumes safely.
  • Configuring SkipPolicy and RetryPolicy appropriately.
  • Writing comprehensive tests to validate batch jobs.

14. What are some best practices for designing Spring Batch jobs?


  • Modularity: Design jobs and steps to be reusable and modular.
  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling and retry mechanisms.
  • Monitoring: Use listeners and job repository to monitor job execution.
  • Resource Management: Optimize resource usage, especially for large data volumes.
  • Documentation: Document job configurations and business logic for maintainability.

15. What is the role of ItemReader, ItemProcessor, and ItemWriter in Spring Batch?


  • ItemReader: Responsible for reading data from a source. Examples include FlatFileItemReaderJdbcCursorItemReader, and JpaPagingItemReader.
  • ItemProcessor: Used to process data after it is read. It allows for transforming data, filtering, or applying business logic.
  • ItemWriter: Writes processed data to a destination. Examples include FlatFileItemWriterJdbcBatchItemWriter, and JpaItemWriter.

16. How can you achieve parallel processing in Spring Batch?

Answer: Parallel processing can be achieved by:

  • Using multiple threads within a step (TaskExecutor).
  • Partitioning a step to run in parallel across multiple instances.
  • Configuring multiple jobs to run concurrently.

17. What is a Partitioned Step in Spring Batch, and how does it work?

Answer: A Partitioned Step divides a large task into smaller partitions that can be processed concurrently. Each partition is assigned to a separate thread or node. It is configured using Partitioner and StepExecutionSplitter.

18. Explain the use of JobParameters in Spring Batch.

Answer: JobParameters are used to pass parameters to a job at runtime. They ensure that each job instance is uniquely identified, allowing for the same job to be executed multiple times with different parameters.

19. What is a JobExecutionDecider, and how is it used?

Answer: JobExecutionDecider allows for dynamic decision-making within a job flow. It evaluates conditions and determines the next step to execute based on custom logic.

20. How do you implement retry logic in Spring Batch?

Answer: Retry logic is implemented using RetryPolicy and RetryTemplate. It allows you to retry an operation a specified number of times if certain exceptions occur.

21. What is a CompositeItemProcessor, and when would you use it?

Answer: CompositeItemProcessor is a processor that delegates to a list of other processors. It allows for chaining multiple processors together in a sequence. It's useful when you need to apply multiple transformations to the data.

22. How can you handle large data sets in Spring Batch without running into memory issues?

Answer: Handle large data sets by:

  • Using chunk-oriented processing to process data in manageable chunks.
  • Optimizing ItemReader to read data in smaller batches.
  • Configuring proper transaction boundaries to ensure efficient resource management.

23. What is the significance of JobIncrementer in Spring Batch?

Answer: JobIncrementer is used to generate unique job instance identifiers. It ensures that each job instance is uniquely identified and can be restarted or monitored independently.

24. Explain the role of StepScope in Spring Batch.

Answer: StepScope is a Spring Scope that defines the lifecycle of beans to be limited to a single step execution. It helps manage resources and data specific to a step.

25. How do you skip records in Spring Batch, and why would you do it?

Answer: Skipping records is achieved using SkipPolicy and SkipListener. You skip records that cause exceptions, allowing the job to continue processing other records. This is useful when encountering corrupt or invalid data.

26. What are the different types of job repositories in Spring Batch?

Answer: Spring Batch supports two types of job repositories:

  • In-memory Job Repository: Suitable for development and testing.
  • Database Job Repository: Suitable for production, as it persists job execution data in a database.

27. How can you monitor and manage Spring Batch jobs?

Answer: Monitoring and managing jobs can be done through:

  • Using JobExplorer and JobOperator to query and manipulate job executions.
  • Implementing custom listeners to log job and step execution details.
  • Integrating with Spring Batch Admin or other monitoring tools for real-time insights.

28. What is a JobExecutionListener and how is it used?

Answer: JobExecutionListener is an interface for receiving callbacks before and after a job execution. It can be used to perform actions like logging, sending notifications, or setting up resources.

29. How do you handle multiple data sources in a Spring Batch job?

Answer: Handle multiple data sources by configuring multiple ItemReader and ItemWriter beans, each pointing to a different data source. Use Spring's @Primary annotation to specify the default data source if needed.

30. What are the strategies for handling job failures in Spring Batch?

Answer: Strategies for handling job failures include:

  • Implementing retry and skip logic.
  • Configuring job restartability to resume from the last successful step.
  • Using listeners to capture and log error details.
  • Implementing robust exception handling within steps.


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