Java Interview Materials
Working of JDK JRE JVM :-
- JDK stands for ‘Java Development kit’, It is internally contains the JRE
& JVM. JDK provide all tools to work with Java language.
- JRE stands for ‘Java Runtime
Environment’, It is
provide an environment to execute the java program JRE internally contains the
JVM which is responsible to execute the java code.
- JVM stands for ‘Java Virtual Machine’, it is the software in the form of interpreter written in ‘C’ programming language through which we can execute our java code.
Ans:-When we declare all fields final and private.
Don't allow subclasses to oveerride methods.
We can’t add any setter method.
For Immutable Class:-
- The class must be declared as final so that child classes can’t be created.
- Data members in the class must be declared private so that direct access is not allowed.
- Data members in the class must be declared as final so that we can’t change the value of it after object creation.
- A parameterized constructor should initialize all the fields performing a deep copy so that data members can’t be modified with an object reference.
- Deep Copy of objects should be performed in the getter methods to return a copy rather than returning the actual object reference)
Mulitple inhertance is not possible:
Ans:- In Java, a class cannot extend more
than one class. actually The reason behind this is to prevent ambiguity.
Q3] What is mean by Encapsulation?
Encapsulation is defined as the
wrapping up of data under a single unit. It is the mechanism that binds
together code and the data it manipulates.
Technically we say in encapsulation,
the variables or data of a class is hidden from any other class and can be
accessed only through any member function of its own class in which it is
As in encapsulation, the data in a
class is hidden from other classes using the data hiding concept which is
achieved by making the members or methods of a class private, and the class is
exposed to the end-user or the world without providing any details behind
implementation using the abstraction concept, so it is also known as a
combination of data-hiding and abstraction.
Encapsulation can be achieved by
Declaring all the variables in the class as private and writing public methods
in the class to set and get the values of variables
Q4] What is Polymorphism?
It is means one thing represents in
mulitple formate. we have 2 types of polymorphism.
Method overloading(compile time
polymorphism) and method overriding(run time polymorphism)
Q5] What is
difference between overloading and overriding in java
-Overriding means Runtime Polymorphism
and Overloading means Compile time polymorphism.
-The method Overriding occurs between
superclass and subclass. Overloading occurs between the methods in the same
-Overriding methods have the same
signature i.e. same name and method arguments.
Overloaded method names are the same
but the parameters are different.
-With Overloading, the method to call
is determined at the compile-time. With overriding, the method call is determined
at the runtime based
on the object type.
-If overriding breaks, it can cause
effect will be visible at runtime. Whereas if overloading breaks, the
compile-time error will come and it’s easy to fix.
Overloading |
Overriding |
means Compile time polymorphism. |
means Runtime Polymorphism |
occurs between the methods in the same class. |
The method
Overriding occurs between superclass and subclass. |
method names are the same but the parameters are different. |
methods have the same signature i.e. same name and method arguments. |
Overloading, the method to call is determined at the compile-time |
overriding, the method call is determined at the runtime based on the object
type. |
Whereas if
overloading breaks, the compile-time error will come and it’s easy to fix.
overriding breaks, it can cause effect will be visible at runtime |
Abstract class and Interface difference?
Abstract class |
Interface |
The abstract keyword is used to declare abstract
class. |
The interface keyword is used to declare interface. |
An abstract class can be extended using keyword
"extends". |
An interface can be implemented using keyword
"implements". |
Abstract class can have abstract and non-abstract
methods. |
Interface can have only abstract methods. from Java 8,
it can have default and static methods also. |
Abstract class doesn't support multiple inheritance. |
Interface supports multiple inheritance. |
Abstract class can have final, non-final, static and
non-static variables. |
Interface has only static and final variables. |
An abstract class can extend another Java class and
implement multiple Java interfaces. |
An interface can extend another Java interface only. |
Abstract class can provide the implementation of interface. |
Interface can't provide the implementation of abstract
class. |
Abstraction is a process of hiding the implementation details and showing
only functionality to the user. Another way, it shows only essential things to
the user and hides the internal details, for example, sending SMS where you
type the text and send the message.
Interface with same method:
If a type implements two interfaces, and each
interface define a method that has identical signature, then in effect there is
only one method, and they are not distinguishable. the two methods have conflicting return
types, then it will be a compilation error. This is the general rule of
inheritance, method overriding.
Q8] Can we
create constructor in interface and abstract class.
-A Constructor
is a special member function used to initialize the newly created object. It is
automatically called when an object of a class is created.
-Yes! Abstract classes can have
-we cannot have a constructor within
an interface in Java. You can have only public, static, final variables
Q9] Can we
change value of variable in interface.
- we cannot
change the variables declared in interface because by default, they are public,
static and final.
**Parcelable vs serializable:
- Serializale is Java interface and
Parcelable is an Android specific interface
- Parcelable is faster than
- parcelable interface takes more time
to implement compared to serializable interface.
- Serializable infterface is easier to
- Serializable interface creates a
lots of temporary objects, So it causes quite a bit of garbage collection.
-We can sort the collection on the basis of single element / We can sort the collection on the basis of Mutiple element
-Comparable afffects the orignal class / Comparator dosent affect the orignal class
-Comparable provides CompareTo() method to sort element / comaprator provides Compare() method to sort element
-Comparable is present in java.lang package/ comaprator is present in java.utils package.
ArrayList |
LinkedList |
internally uses dynamic array to store the elements |
LinkedList internally uses doubly linked list to store the elements. |
ArrayList search
operation is pretty fast compared to the LinkedList search operation. |
LinkedList search operation is slow compared to ArrayList |
ArrayList element
deletion is slower compared to LinkedList. |
LinkedList element deletion is faster compared to
ArrayList. |
ArrayList element
insertion is slower compared to LinkedList. |
LinkedList element insertion is faster compared to
ArrayList. |
consumption is low in ArrayList. |
Memory consumption is high in LinkedList. |
ArrayList class
can act as a list only because it implements List only. |
LinkedList class can act
as a list and queue both because it implements List and Deque interfaces. |
ArrayList is
better for storing and accessing data. |
LinkedList is better
for manipulating data. |
Q13] Difference between ArrayList and vector
ArrayList |
Vector |
ArrayList is not synchronized |
Vector is synchronized. |
ArrayList increments 50% of current array size if the
number of elements exceeds from its capacity. |
Vector increments 100% means doubles the array size if
the total number of elements exceeds than its capacity. |
ArrayList is not a legacy class. It is introduced in
JDK 1.2 |
Vector is a legacy class. |
ArrayList is fast because it is non-synchronized. |
Vector is slow because it is synchronized, i.e., in a
multithreading environment, it holds the other threads in runnable or
non-runnable state until current thread releases the lock of the object. |
ArrayList uses the Iterator interface to traverse the
elements. |
A Vector can use the Iterator interface or Enumeration
interface to traverse the elements. |
Q14] Difference between HashMap and HashTable:
HashMap |
Hashtable |
HashMap is non
synchronized. |
Hashtable is synchronized. |
It is not-thread
safe and can't be shared between many threads without proper synchronization
code. |
It is thread-safe and can be shared with many threads. |
HashMap allows one
null key and multiple null values. |
Hashtable doesn't allow any null key or value. |
HashMap is a new
class introduced in JDK 1.2. |
Hashtable is a legacy class. |
HashMap is fast. |
Hashtable is slow. |
We can make the
HashMap as synchronized by calling this code Map m =
Collections.synchronizedMap(hashMap); |
Hashtable is internally synchronized and can't be
unsynchronized. |
HashMap is
traversed by Iterator. |
Hashtable is traversed by Enumerator and Iterator. |
Iterator in
HashMap is fail-fast. |
Enumerator in Hashtable is not fail-safe. |
HashMap inherits
AbstractMap class. |
Hashtable inherits Dictionary class. |
Q15] Difference between HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap
Parameters |
HashMap |
ConcurrentHashMap |
Safe |
It is not
at all thread-safe. |
It always
remains thread-safe. |
Synchronization |
It does
not stay synchronized because it is not thread-safe in nature. |
It stays
synchronized because it is thread-safe in nature. |
Values |
It allows
the keys and values to be null. |
It never
allows a null value or key. In such a case, it will throw the
NullPointerException. |
Type of
Iterator |
iterator in HashMap is fail-fast. In case a modification happens
(concurrently) during iteration, the HashMap throws an exception named
ConcurrentModificationException. |
It is
pretty much fail-safe. Thus, a ConcurrentHashMap never throws any such
exceptions during its iteration. |
Performance |
It is
comparatively faster in performance than the ConcurrentHashMap. |
It is
comparatively much slower in performance as compared to the HashMap. |
since Java version |
1.2 |
1.5 |
Difference between ConcurrentHashMap & HashTable
Key |
HashTable |
ConcurrentHashMap |
Basic |
HashTable is a
thread-safe legacy class introduced in the Jdk1.1 |
ConcurrentHashmap is a class that was
introduced in jdk1.5 |
Locking |
It applies lock on the entire collection |
ConcurrentHashMap apply locks only at bucket level
called fragment while adding or updating the map |
Performance |
It is slower than
ConcurrentHashMap |
It is better than HashTable |
Null |
It doesn't allow null key and value |
It allows null key and value |
Difference between Fail Fast & Fail Safe Iterator
Fail Fast |
Fail Safe |
It throws a ConcurrentModificationException
in modifying the object during the iteration process. |
It does not throw Exception. |
No clone object is created during the
iteration process. |
A copy or clone object is created during
the iteration process. |
It requires low memory during the process. |
It requires more memory during the process. |
It does not allow modification during
iteration. |
It allows modification during the iteration
process. |
It is fast. |
It is slightly slower than Fail Fast. |
HashMap, ArrayList, Vector, HashSet, etc |
CopyOnWriteArrayList, ConcurrentHashMap,
etc. |
Difference between HashMap & HashSet
HashMap |
HashSet |
Hashmap is the
implementation of Map interface. |
Hashset on other hand
is the implementation of set interface. |
Hashmap internally do
not implements hashset or any set for its implementation. |
Hashset internally
uses Hashmap for its implementation. |
HashMap Stores
elements in form of key-value pair i.e each element has its corresponding key
which is required for its retrieval during iteration. |
HashSet stores only
objects no such key value pairs maintained. |
Put method of hash
map is used to add element in hashmap. |
On other hand add
method of hashset is used to add element in hashset. |
Hashmap due to its
unique key is faster in retrieval of element during its iteration. |
HashSet is completely
based on object so compared to hashmap is slower. |
Single null key and
any number of null value can be inserted in hashmap without any restriction. |
On other hand Hashset
allows only one null value in its collection, after which no null value is
allowed to be added. |
Q19] Why String is Immutable or Final in Java
In object-oriented
programming, the immutable
string or objects that cannot be modified once it is
created. But we can only change the reference to the object. We restrict to
change the object itself. The String
is immutable in Java because of the security, synchronization and concurrency,
caching, and class loading. The reason of making string final is to destroy the
immutability and to not allow others to extend it.
The String objects
are cached in the String pool, and it makes the String immutable. The cached String
literals are accessed by multiple clients. So, there is always a risk, where
action performs by one client affects all other clients. For example, if one
client performs an action and changes the string value from Pressure to
PRESSURE, all remaining clients will also read that value. For the performance
reason, caching of String objects was important, so to remove that risk, we
have to make the String Immutable.
Q20] What
is BlockingQueue in Java
BlockingQueue is a java Queue that support operations that
wait for the queue to become non-empty when retrieving and removing an element,
and wait for space to become available in the queue when adding an element
Internal Working of HashMap?
HashMap uses it's inner class Node<K,V> for storing map entries. HashMap stores entries into multiple singly linked lists, called buckets or bins. Default number of bins is 16 and it's always power of 2. HashMap uses hashCode() and equals() methods on keys for get and put operations.
In Java 8, HashMap replaces the linked list with another useful data
structure i.e. binary tree on breaching a certain threshold,
which is known as TREEIFY_THRESHOLD. Once this threshold is
reached the linked list of Entries is converted to the TreeNodes which reduces the
time complexity from O(n) to O(log(n)).
TreeNodes are nothing but the
structures supporting the binary trees which have two
nodes, smaller node goes to the left and the larger to
the right. Whenever we want to search for any key the whole left or right
subtree is discarded with a single check. This is how the time complexity is
reduced to O(log(n). This change has lead to a significant improvement of
Once the number of entries is decreased due to removal or resizing of
HashMap, the structure is converted back to the older implementation which is
Q22] What
is binary tree and its operations?
A binary tree has a special condition that each node can have a maximum
of two children. A binary tree has the benefits of both an ordered array and a
linked list as search is as quick as in a sorted array and insertion or
deletion operation are as fast as in linked list.
Q23] What
is the internal working of a ConcurrentHashMap?
ConcurrentHashMap: It allows concurrent access to the map. Part of the map called Segment (internal data structure) is only getting locked while adding or updating the map. So ConcurrentHashMap allows concurrent threads to read the value without locking at all. This data structure was introduced to improve performance
Q24] Which of the
following methods is used to avoid serialization of new class whose super class
already implements Serialization?
Explanation: writeObject() and
readObject() methods should be implemented to avoid Java serialization.
Q25] Singleton Class
The primary purpose of a Singleton class is to restrict the limit of the number of object creation to only one. This often ensures that there is access control to resources, for example, socket or database connection.
The memory space wastage does not occur with the use of the singleton class because it restricts the instance creation. As the object creation will take place only once instead of creating it each time a new request is made.
We can use this single object repeatedly as per the requirements. This is the reason why the multi-threaded and database applications mostly make use of the Singleton pattern in Java for caching, logging, thread pooling, configuration settings, and much more.
For example, there is a license with us, and we have only one database connection or suppose if our JDBC driver does not allow us to do multithreading, then Singleton class comes into the picture and makes sure that at a time, only a single connection or a single thread can access the connection.
Q26] Difference between Singleton Class and Normal
The main difference
between these two classes is an instantiation.
To create an instance of a normal class, we use a constructor. On the
other hand, to create an instance of a singleton class, we use getInstance() method.
Q27] Difference between String and StringBuffer
String |
StringBuffer |
The String class is immutable. |
The StringBuffer class is mutable. |
String is
slow and consumes more memory when we concatenate too many strings because
every time it creates new instance. |
is fast and consumes less memory when we concatenate the strings. |
String class overrides the equals() method of
Object class. So you can compare the contents of two strings by equals()
method. |
StringBuffer class doesn't override the
equals() method of Object class. |
class is slower while performing concatenation operation. |
class is faster while performing concatenation operation. |
String class uses String constant pool. |
StringBuffer uses Heap memory |
Q28] Difference
between StringBuffer and StringBuilder
StringBuffer |
StringBuilder |
StringBuffer is synchronized i.e.
thread safe. It means two threads can't call the methods of StringBuffer
simultaneously. |
StringBuilder is non-synchronized i.e.
not thread safe. It means two threads can call the methods of StringBuilder
simultaneously. |
StringBuffer is less
efficient than StringBuilder. |
is more efficient than StringBuffer. |
StringBuffer was introduced in Java 1.0 |
StringBuilder was introduced in Java 1.5 |
Q29] Types of
ClassLoaders in Java
Not all classes are loaded by a single ClassLoader. Depending on the type of class and the path of class, the ClassLoader that loads that particular class is decided. To know the ClassLoader that loads a class the getClassLoader() method is used. All classes are loaded based on their names and if any of these classes are not found then it returns a NoClassDefFoundError or ClassNotFoundException. A Java Classloader is of three types:
- BootStrap ClassLoader: A Bootstrap Classloader is a Machine
code which kickstarts the operation when the JVM calls it. It is not a java
class. Its job is to load the first pure Java ClassLoader. Bootstrap
ClassLoader loads classes from the location rt.jar. Bootstrap ClassLoader doesn’t have any parent
ClassLoaders. It is also called as the Primordial ClassLoader.
- Extension ClassLoader: The Extension ClassLoader is a child
of Bootstrap ClassLoader and loads the extensions of core java classes from the
respective JDK Extension library. It loads files from jre/lib/ext directory or
any other directory pointed by the system property java.ext.dirs.
- System ClassLoader: An Application ClassLoader is also known as a System ClassLoader. It loads the Application type classes found in the environment variable CLASSPATH, -classpath or -cp command line option. The Application ClassLoader is a child class of Extension ClassLoader.
How can you make a class as Immutable?
the class as final so it can’t be
all fields private so that direct
access is not allowed.
provide setter methods for
all mutable fields final so that its
value can be assigned only once.
all the fields via a constructor
performing a deep copy.
cloning of objects in the getter methods to return a copy rather than returning
the actual object reference.
Java 8
Features of Java 8:
Name |
Description |
expression |
function that can be shared or referred to as an object. |
Interfaces |
abstract method interface. |
References |
function as a parameter to invoke a method. |
method |
provides an implementation of methods within interfaces enabling 'Interface
evolution' facilities. |
layer that provides pipeline processing of the data. |
Time API |
improved joda-time inspired APIs to overcome the drawbacks in previous
versions |
Optional |
class to check the null values and helps in further processing based on the
value. |
JavaScript Engine |
improvised version of JavaScript Engine that enables JavaScript executions in
Java, to replace Rhino. |
Q1] What
are functional or SAM interfaces?
Functional Interfaces are an interface with only one abstract method. Due to which it is also known as the Single Abstract Method (SAM) interface. It is known as a functional interface because it wraps a function as an interface or in other words a function is represented by a single abstract method of the interface.
Functional interfaces can have any number of default, static, and
overridden methods. For declaring Functional Interfaces @FunctionalInterface
annotation is optional to use. If this annotation is used for interfaces with
more than one abstract method, it will generate a compiler error.
Can a functional interface extend/inherit
another interface?
A functional interface cannot extend another interface with abstract
methods as it will void the rule of one abstract method per functional
interface Parent {
public int parentMethod();
interface Child extends Parent {
public int childMethod();
// It will also extend the abstract method of the Parent Interface
// Hence it will have more than one abstract method
// And will give a compiler error
It can extend other interfaces which do not have any abstract method
and only have the default, static, another class is overridden, and normal
methods. For eg:
interface Parent {
public void parentMethod(){
interface Child extends Parent {
public int childMethod();
3] What is
the default method, and why is it required?
A method in the interface that has a predefined body is known as the
default method. It uses the keyword default. default methods were introduced in
Java 8 to have 'Backward Compatibility in case JDK modifies any interfaces. In
case a new abstract method is added to the interface, all classes implementing
the interface will break and will have to implement the new method. With
default methods, there will not be any impact on the interface implementing
classes. default methods can be overridden if needed in the implementation.
Also, it does not qualify as synchronized or final.
@FunctionalInterface // Annotation is optional
public interface Foo() {
// Default Method - Optional can be 0 or more
public default String HelloWorld() {
return "Hello World";
// Single Abstract Method
public void bar();
4] What
are static methods in Interfaces?
Static methods, which contains method implementation is owned by the
interface and is invoked using the name of the interface, it is suitable for
defining the utility methods and cannot be overridden.
5] What
are some standard Java pre-defined functional interfaces?
Some of the famous pre-defined functional interfaces from previous Java versions are Runnable, Callable, Comparator, and Comparable. While Java 8 introduces functional interfaces like Supplier, Consumer, Predicate, etc.
Runnable: use to execute the instances of a class over another thread with no arguments and no return value.
Callable: use to execute the instances of a class over another thread with no arguments and it either returns a value or throws an exception.
Comparator: use to sort different objects in a user-defined order
use to sort objects in the natural sort order
6] What is
an Optional class?
Optional is a container type which may or may not contain value i.e.
zero(null) or one(not-null) value. It is part of java.util package. There are
pre-defined methods like isPresent(), which returns true if the value is
present or else false and the method get(), which will return the value if it
is present.
static Optional<String> changeCase(String word){
if(name!=null && word.startsWith("A")){
return Optional.of(word.toUpperCase());
return Optional.ofNullable(word); // someString can be null
7] What
are the advantages of using the Optional class?
It encapsulates optional values,
i.e., null or not-null values, which helps in avoiding null checks, which
results in better, readable, and robust code It acts as a wrapper around the
object and returns an object instead of a value, which can be used to avoid
run-time NullPointerExceptions
8] What
are Java 8 streams?
A stream is an abstraction to express data processing queries in a declarative way.
A Stream, which represents a sequence of data objects & series of
operations on that data is a data pipeline that is not related to Java I/O
Streams does not hold any data permanently.
The key interface is<T>. It accepts
Functional Interfaces so that lambdas can be passed. Streams support a fluent
interface or chaining.
9] What is the difference between findFirst()
and findAny()?
findFirst() |
findAny() |
the first element in the Stream |
any element from the Stream |
in nature |
in nature |
10] How are Collections different from Stream?
Collections |
Streams |
structure holds all the data elements |
data is stored. Have the capacity to process an infinite number of elements
on demand |
Iteration |
Iteration |
be processed any number of times |
only once |
are easy to access |
direct way of accessing specific elements |
Is a
data store |
an API to process the data |
11] Difference between PUT and PATCH Request
PUT is a technique of altering resources when
the client transmits data that revamps the whole resource. |
PATCH is a technique for transforming the
resources when the client transmits partial data that will be updated without
changing the whole data. |
The PUT HTTP method is known to be unchanged.
That means, if you retry a request numerous times, that will be equal to a
single request conversion |
The PATCH HTTP method is believed to be
non-idempotent. That means, if you retry the request multiple times, you will
end up having multiple resources with different URIs. |
The PUT method has high bandwidth. |
Whereas, the PATCH method has comparatively
low bandwidth. |
PUT handles updates by replacing
the entire entity |
While PATCH only updates the
fields that you give it. |
if we're not checking before updating anything then PUT
should be faster |
PATCH is faster than PUT |
representational state transfer architectural style
An API, or application programming interface, is a set of rules that
define how applications or devices can connect to and communicate with each
other. A REST API is an API that conforms to the design principles of
the REST, or representational state transfer architectural style.
13] HTTP Status Codes in the
- 200 OK. The 200 OK status
code indicates the request succeeded. ...
- 303 See Other. The 303 See
Other status code indicates that you are being redirected to another resource via
the "Location" response header. ...
- 400 Bad request. ...
- 404 Resource not found. ...
- 500 Internal server error.
14] Difference Between
Error and Exception
Errors are problems that mainly occur due to the lack of system
resources. It cannot be caught or handled. It indicates a serious problem. It
occurs at run time. These are always unchecked. An example of errors is OutOfMemoryError, LinkageError,
AssertionError, etc. are the subclasses of the Error class.
The term exception is shorthand for the phrase exception event. It
is an event that occurs during the execution of the program and interrupts the
normal flow of program instructions. These are the errors that occur at compile
time and run time. It occurs in the code written by the developers. It can be
recovered by using the try-catch block and throws keyword. There are two types
of exceptions i.e. checked and unchecked.15] Design Pattern in java
Gang of 4 are those kamine who create the design patterns.
In short there are 4 people who invent this .
1] Creational Design Patterns
2] Structural Design Pattern
3] Behavioral Design Pattern
4] Miscellaneous Design Pattern
1. Creational Design
- Factory
- Abstract
Factory Pattern
- Singleton
- Prototype
- Builder
2. Structural Design
- Adapter
- Bridge
- Composite
- Decorator
- Facade
- Flyweight Pattern
- Proxy Pattern
3. Behavioral Design
- Chain Of
Responsibility Pattern
- Command
- Interpreter
- Iterator
- Mediator
- Memento
- Observer
- State
- Strategy
- Template
- Visitor
4. Miscellaneous Design Patterns
- DAO Design Pattern
- Dependency Injection Pattern
- MVC Pattern
What are the two types of Exceptions in Java? Which are the differences between them?
Java has two types of exceptions: checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions.
Unchecked exceptions do not need to be declared in a method or a constructor’s throws clause if they can be thrown by the execution of the method or the constructor, and propagate outside the method or constructor boundary.
On the other hand, checked exceptions must be declared in a method or a constructor’s throws clause.
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